
Guardians of the Assets: The Epic Journey of Maintenance in Modern Asset Management

8 min. de lectura
Imagen del artículo Guardians of the Assets: The Epic Journey of Maintenance in Modern Asset Management

Diego Galar
Director R&D. Sisteplant
Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering. LTU, Luleå University of Technology

Asset management is a comprehensive approach that ensures organizations can maximize the value derived from their physical assets throughout their entire lifecycle. This holistic management strategy encompasses the planning, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal of assets. Its importance cannot be overstated, particularly in the context of maintenance engineering and management. Effective asset management provides a structured framework that not only supports but enhances maintenance activities, ensuring that assets are kept in optimal condition. This leads to reduced costs, improved performance, and extended useful life of assets.

The cradle-to-grave perspective is not new but remains crucial. It involves considering the entire lifecycle of an asset, considering all stakeholders and calculating benefits and impacts from conception to disposal. In every stage, maintenance plays a vital role, and this holistic view fundamentally transforms the maintenance paradigm and its role within asset management.

Moreover, asset management has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by technological advancements powered by the Industry 4.0 revolution and the increasing complexity of modern infrastructure and manufacturing assets. Organizations across various sectors are recognizing the critical role of asset management in achieving operational excellence and sustainability. Thanks to these enabling technologies, designers, asset manufacturers, and end-users can monitor asset performance, assess their impact on society and the environment, predict failures, and manage end-of-life disposal responsibly. By integrating asset management principles, organizations can improve decision-making processes, optimize resource utilization, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Maintenance is a fundamental component of asset management. It involves the regular upkeep, repair, and servicing of assets to ensure they remain functional and efficient. The relationship between maintenance and asset management is symbiotic; effective maintenance practices are essential for successful asset management, and a robust asset management framework enhances maintenance operations.

Moreover, maintenance is embedded in the DNA of the asset from its conception, starting with design for maintenance practices where reliability and maintainability principles are applied. During the disposal phase, dismantling assets in a sustainable and modular manner is crucial from a maintenance perspective, ensuring minimal environmental impact. Asset management provides the whole picture, where maintenance is integral from the very beginning to the end of the asset's lifecycle.

During the most prominent phase, the end-user phase, maintenance activities are guided by the principles of asset management, which emphasize understanding the condition and performance of assets. This understanding allows organizations to plan and execute maintenance tasks more effectively, minimizing downtime and reducing the risk of unexpected failures. By adopting a proactive approach to maintenance, organizations can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems, thereby extending the lifespan of their assets and maximizing their return on investment. This perspective of extracting maximum benefit with minimal impact, powered by enabling technologies, opens up new dimensions for physical assets during the operation and maintenance phases.

Asset management also provides a structured approach to maintenance planning, ensuring that maintenance activities are aligned with the organization's strategic objectives. This alignment ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, and maintenance efforts are prioritized based on the criticality and condition of assets. Furthermore, asset management systems facilitate the collection and analysis of data related to asset performance, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about maintenance strategies and interventions.

Indeed, asset management elevates maintenance to a strategic level within the organization. Operational and tactical maintenance are enriched by strategic maintenance, empowered by asset management, thanks to the alignment of the maintenance function with corporate goals. This strategic perspective ensures that maintenance activities contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the organization, making maintenance a critical component of overall asset management.


Asset management encompasses the entire lifecycle of assets, from initial planning and acquisition through to operation, maintenance, and eventual disposal. This lifecycle approach provides a comprehensive view of asset performance and condition, allowing organizations to make more informed decisions about maintenance and other asset-related activities.

By considering the entire lifecycle of assets, organizations can identify opportunities to optimize maintenance strategies and improve asset performance. For example, during the planning and acquisition phase, concepts such as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), design for maintenance, design for reliability, and design for maintainability can be applied. These principles ensure that assets are selected and designed with long-term reliability, ease of maintenance, and overall sustainability in mind. Furthermore, addressing planned obsolescence and design for failure during the design phase helps to mitigate future risks and maintenance challenges, ensuring that assets can be efficiently maintained and upgraded over time.

During the operation phase, continuous monitoring and analysis of asset performance can inform proactive maintenance interventions, reducing the risk of failures and extending asset lifespan. The integration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) principles with Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) and real-time monitoring technologies enables organizations to predict and prevent potential issues before they escalate. This proactive approach leverages data analytics, machine learning, and condition-based maintenance techniques to predict when maintenance is needed based on the actual condition of assets, rather than relying on fixed schedules.

The lifecycle approach also facilitates the integration of maintenance activities with other asset management processes. For instance, data collected during maintenance can be used to inform asset renewal and replacement decisions, ensuring that assets are replaced before they reach the end of their useful life. By adopting predictive maintenance techniques and incorporating them into the asset management framework, organizations can optimize maintenance schedules, reduce downtime, and enhance asset reliability.

Asset management systems provide the tools and methodologies needed to implement a lifecycle approach to maintenance. These systems enable organizations to track and analyze asset performance data, identify trends and patterns, and develop optimized maintenance strategies. By leveraging advanced technologies such as IoT sensors, digital twins, and big data analytics, organizations can gain deeper insights into asset health and performance, enabling more effective and efficient maintenance interventions.

By adopting a lifecycle approach, organizations can ensure that maintenance activities are not only effective but also aligned with their broader asset management objectives. This holistic view of asset management promotes sustainability, efficiency, and long-term reliability, ultimately contributing to the overall success and resilience of the organization. Integrating RAMS with PHM and continuous monitoring technologies further enhances the ability to manage and maintain assets effectively throughout their lifecycle, ensuring optimal performance and value.


The concept of circularity in asset management refers to the adoption of practices that promote the sustainable use and reuse of assets, minimizing waste and maximizing value throughout the asset lifecycle. Asset management frameworks that embrace circularity principles contribute to environmental sustainability, economic efficiency, and social responsibility.

Circularity in asset management involves several key practices, including asset reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling. By extending the useful life of assets through these practices, organizations can reduce their environmental footprint and achieve significant cost savings. For example, refurbishing or remanufacturing assets can be more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, and recycling materials from decommissioned assets can generate additional revenue streams.

Asset management systems support the implementation of circularity principles by providing the tools and methodologies needed to track and manage the condition and performance of assets. These systems enable organizations to identify assets that are suitable for reuse or refurbishment and to plan and execute these activities effectively. Additionally, asset management systems facilitate the documentation and reporting of circularity practices, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Circularity in asset management is closely linked to the concepts of design for maintenance, design for reliability, and design for maintainability. By incorporating these principles into the design phase, organizations can ensure that assets are easier to maintain, repair, and upgrade, thereby extending their useful life. This proactive approach reduces the need for frequent replacements and minimizes waste, supporting the principles of the circular economy.

The integration of advanced monitoring technologies and data analytics into asset management systems enables organizations to optimize the reuse and refurbishment of assets. By continuously monitoring asset performance and condition, organizations can make informed decisions about when and how to refurbish or repurpose assets, maximizing their value and minimizing environmental impact. This approach aligns with the principles of planned obsolescence and design for failure, where assets are designed to be easily disassembled, repaired, or upgraded at the end of their useful life.

Predictive maintenance plays a crucial role in supporting circularity principles. By using advanced technologies such as IoT sensors, machine learning, and data analytics, predictive maintenance can accurately predict the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of assets. This allows organizations to avoid early replacements and maximize the use of existing assets. Predictive maintenance helps in scheduling maintenance activities just in time, preventing failures before they occur and extending the operational life of assets. This approach not only reduces waste but also enhances resource efficiency, making predictive maintenance a significant vector for circularity and a key driver for sustainable asset management.

Furthermore, the integration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) principles with Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) is essential in avoiding early replacements and creating long-lasting assets. RAMS principles ensure that assets are designed and operated with a focus on reliability and maintainability, while PHM techniques provide real-time health monitoring and predictive analytics. This combination allows for a comprehensive understanding of asset performance, enabling proactive maintenance strategies that extend asset lifespans and ensure their continued reliability and safety.

By embracing circularity principles, organizations can also enhance their reputation and meet the expectations of stakeholders, including customers, regulators, and investors. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability through effective asset management can differentiate organizations in the marketplace and contribute to long-term success. Moreover, adopting circularity principles can help organizations achieve regulatory compliance and meet sustainability targets, further enhancing their competitive advantage.


In summary, asset management frameworks that incorporate circularity principles provide a structured approach to maximizing the value of assets throughout their lifecycle. By promoting practices such as reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling, organizations can reduce their environmental footprint, achieve cost savings, and enhance their reputation. The integration of design for maintenance, reliability, and maintainability principles, along with advanced monitoring technologies, predictive maintenance, and RAMS and PHM connections, further supports the implementation of circularity practices, ensuring the sustainable management of assets.

Asset management provides a robust framework for maintenance engineering and management throughout the entire lifecycle of assets. By integrating maintenance within the broader context of asset management, organizations can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance activities, optimize resource utilization, and achieve their strategic objectives.

The principles and methodologies of asset management support a proactive approach to maintenance, ensuring that assets are kept in optimal condition and that maintenance efforts are aligned with organizational goals. The lifecycle approach to asset management provides a comprehensive view of asset performance, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about maintenance and other asset-related activities. Furthermore, by embracing circularity principles, organizations can promote sustainability and achieve significant economic and environmental benefits.

Overall, asset management is an essential component of effective maintenance engineering and management. It provides the tools, methodologies, and frameworks needed to ensure that assets are managed efficiently and sustainably, delivering maximum value to the organization and its stakeholders. Through the adoption of asset management practices, organizations can ensure long-term operational excellence, cost efficiency, and environmental stewardship, ultimately contributing to their overall success and resilience in a rapidly evolving industrial landscape.

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